Guest Room Essentials

Nothing helps you understand what a guest room truly needs like living in guest room(s) for nearly 5 months with two kids, (sometimes a husband) and a 90 lb golden retriever.


Yup. That will do it.

We sold our Illinois home within a week and while our Texas home was being built we lived with my parents and my in-laws. Both were great about having the necessities and making us always feel as “at home” as possible. I dreamed of the day I could return the favor with a “perfect” guest room once our new home was finished.

But no one feels at home surrounded by perfect. Plus, I’m crazy picky. I still have no idea what I want the guest room to look like. It will take me a year to find the “perfect” bed, bedding, rug, lamps….bleh. Too much, too soon…too many small humans to keep alive. Not going to happen for a while. We had our first house guest the very first night we moved into our house, so from the start I had to settle for prepared…not perfect.

And that is still my approach. Prepared not perfect.

Funny enough, we have had (way) more house guests in Texas than we did in all 6 years at our old home in Illinois. And I love it. Nothing makes me happier than prepping a guest room.

Being both nomadic and “homeless” all summer made me simplify and appreciate the necessities. I wanted to think of what my guests needed before they knew they needed it.

You don’t need much — just think of what you would nab as you walked by an abandoned housekeeping cart in a hotel hallway. (Everyone does this, right?)

The categories I try to cover include: Sleep, Shower, Sustenance, Stay


  • Soft, clean sheets (they don’t have to be expensive).

  • Different thicknesses of blankets (thanks, Mom). In addition to sheets I keep a thin blanket, 2 duvet comforters and a throw.

  • Firm and soft pillows

  • Extras…I keep a small tray of sleep sprays, hand cream and lip balm on the night stand


I suggest physically taking a shower and actively thinking about all the products/items you need to get the job done.

  • Towels + washcloths (clean, not pricey). Mine or white so I can bleach them within an inch of their life.

  • Toiletries (Beyond the basic soap, shampoo and conditioner I keep a basket of extra toiletries in the guest bathroom linen closet. Everything from toothpaste to razors , q-tips…lint roller.)

  • Extra toilet paper + tissues

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I want my guests to always feel like they can walk down to our fridge or pantry and help themselves, but I know that is easier said than done (although my parents and in-laws know I have 0 problem fridge stalking). I make sure to include some granola bars and sweets in the room, but my favorite addition is a mini fridge stocked full of beverages. The fridge was intended for my husband’s office, but some how it ended up in the kid’s playroom right outside the guest room (perhaps a certain mama needed accessible Diet Cokes during playtime). Regardless of who is staying I always try and make an egg casserole or muffins (or freeze and thaw ahead of time). Something quick and easy that people can grab no matter what time they wake up.


These are more of the non-tangibles, but usually some of the most necessary things to cover during someone’s stay…

  • Wifi password

  • Access to your laundry room should they need to toss a load in

  • Electronics tutorial (TV, remotes, coffee maker, thermostat, micro, alarm system…)

We have guests every few weeks, so I am learning quickly what people need (and what they don’t). The best way to find out is to simply ask. If they needed something, chances are a future guest might need the same…so add it to your list.

But above all of the above, just make the space clean and functional. Honestly, at the end of the day—that makes anyone feel appreciated. #preparednotperfect