How I Simplified My Diaper Bag

The diaper bag evolution from newborn to toddler goes something like...

Newborn: I washed, pressed and folded all clothing items by size and weather, alphabetized and laminated our latest medical history according to doctor, and packed 4 different types of wipes...because you just never know. 

Toddler: "Why is everything sticky?" and "Did someone remember to toss in a fresh diaper?" 

I’m currently somewhere in between, constantly striving to simplify it’s contents. Like any mom, I’m circulating through different phases, seasons, sizes and needs for both kids. Am I leaving the house for 30 minutes for 4 days? Sometimes my bag is heavier than my kids, but on most days—I try to only include the essentials. It’s a trial and error process of knowing what you can’t live with out and what you can leave behind. My general rule of thumb…if I didn’t use it for a solid week—it’s out.


Simplified Diaper Bag (1 & 4 year old) :
- 3 Diapers
- Wipes
- Wet bag
- 3 Snacks
- Extra Binky
- 3 small toys
- All Purpose Balm (doubles as lotion, diaper cream, chapstick)
- Sunscreen
- Water Bottle
- Wristlet


Things I’ve learned to leave out:
- Extra clothes (sometimes this bites me in the tush, but usually it’s an overpack)
- Toys larger than a fist
- All the lotions / creams
- Nail clippers
- Paperwork (I used to travel w/ shot records…why?)
- More than 3 of anything (it’s my magic number for nearly everything)
- Makeup Bag (so cute when I had time for this. good times.)
- Blanket
- Bows & bands
- Brush
- Chapstick
- First aid kit (we live on the edge)
- Tide pen
- Diaper cream