Introducing: Weekly Whats

I’ve been in search of a consistent way to share unrelated randomness with you. I had grander plans of a more sophisticated title for this series, but honestly, ‘Weekly Whats’ is where I landed…words are hard. Simply a weekly collection of my ‘whats’ — what I’m using, what I’m eating, what I’m loving, maybe even what I’m listening to. Who knows. But every Sunday I’ll be sharing a quick bite of my ‘Weekly Whats’ with you.


What’s on my lips.
Below is my go-to lip combo that I wear anytime I attempt to look like a functioning member of society. I hydrate with the lip mask, use the liner as an all over lipstick and then top with the gloss. (Wearing in the above photo.)

What I’m living in.
As I type this I’m wearing her — my teddy bear, ski neck, sweater of fluff. It has been an uncharacteristically cold week down here — so it’s been the perfect week to cozy up in the world’s most comfortable sherpa. She is currently under $20 at Target and I have her in cream and may have just grabbed her in pink as well.


(2) What I’ve been devouring. I discovered ChocoRites at some point last year and I’m just mad it took me this long to find them. It’s a low carb / low calorie treat that tastes like a Reese’s and a Butterfinger had a love child. I could (and usually do) eat one almost daily. Only 100 calories, 1 net carb, tons of fiber and no sugar — it’s magic in a wrapper. I order them in bulk, blink and the box is gone.

(3) What I’m listening to. While the kids were with their grands this week I had a chance to go dark on the AirPods. I threw on 22 Hours: An American Nightmare while I gave the upstairs bathrooms a little facelift. It was very easy to get into (the trailer alone will hook you). I’m still finishing up the last few episodes — but it is certainly worth a listen if you’re down w/ some terrifyingly twisted True Crime.


(4) What I never take off.
I purchased this necklace last year and I’m simply too lazy to take her off. That’s usually how I am when I find something I love — if she can survive a shower, she stays put until one of the kids quite literally pulls it off of me. (Wearing in the top picture.)


(5) What saved me.
This charger was a total swipe up, but a great one. I am the queen of living on 1% (and my husband will never admit it, but so is he). This charger has saved both of us multiple times since I scooped her up. She’s sleek, multi-adaptive and perfect for on-the-go. (Using in the top picture.)

(6) What about the kids.
In short, Gorilla Snot is the best product I’ve ever used on my son’s hair. He just decided haircuts are the devil (even though my husband does them at home). Lately, we have been avoiding them at all costs so I have just been styling his extra tall hair within an inch of it’s life. This stuff DOES NOT MOVE. Bonus, he doesn’t look like a glossy Ross Geller when I’m done either. A little goes a long way and still survives preschool playground days (if that tells you anything).

(7) What’ I’m watching. Finally took the Schitt’s plunge. I recommended this show to my own mother and then never actually watched an episode beyond the pilot. It honestly took me a few episodes to get into it — but David Rose is quite possibly my soul mate and I die with every last one of his passive aggressive eye rolls.

(8) What I ask for. I am ride or die OPI Funny Bunny or Lincoln Park After Dark. I rarely stray from my go-to nail colors — but every spring I get a little itch to find the perfect soft pink. I usually end up somewhere between bubble gum and baby stripper. But not this time. I think I finally found a ballet pink that I can stomach for more than a week: Nexgen S45 ‘South Carolina’ dip. (Also wearing in the top photo.)