5 Ways I'm Finding My Zen in 2020

I read somewhere that you should start the new year off with a word or a question instead of resolutions. Those then become your guides for the year and it helps shift your energy if you start to veer off course. I’m a major list maker and an even bigger goal setter — so I actually liked the idea of a “loose approach” to starting the new year.

My word came to me pretty quickly — “zen”. I’m interpreting the term pretty loosely, but overall just wanting to stop and smell the motherhood roses. I’m entering a sweet spot with both of my kids — but I know that sweet spot isn’t forever and I want to soak it up. I HATE that term, but I’m becoming more and more aware of how good these ages are. I really need to just enjoy this exact phase of life for what it is and I’m hoping that by finding a little zen I can appreciate it that much more.


My question of the year took me a second, but it’s actually a question I always have running through my mommy mind…

“What makes me a better (insert noun here) ?”

(Wife. Mom. Friend. Daughter. Sister. Neighbor.)

The answer to those questions is becoming my guiding light for finding my zen in the new year…


1) Early call times. I’m always the first one up in my house, but lately I’ve been getting up between 4:30 and 5 am and although it sounds painful — it’s becoming my jam. I’m both a morning person and a complete introvert so I cherish alone time. Often times it’s to work, but I don’t always have an agenda, sometimes it’s just coffee and Ina Garten until I hear tiny feet.


2) Self-care for anxiety. What’s the opposite of laid back? Because I’m that. Uptight. Tightly wound. I wish I wasn’t, but becoming more aware of it has been helpful. I stopped breastfeeding (after pretty much 4 solid years between both kids) and I started getting unprovoked waves of anxiety. Hormones are whack, man. I’ve been experimenting with addressing some of that anxiety with CBD beauty and oils. Loving the results from Aries Essentials so far. Between their oils and body cream I’ve been incorporating some very intentional calm into my evening routine. I notice a huge difference in how quickly I’m able to relax and fall asleep at night (anyone with anxiety knows this is no easy feat).


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3) Staying active. Like the rest of the world, the holidays killed my workout vibe. I really made it a focus last year and it felt fantastic. I notice a huge difference in everything from my confidence to my patience when I skimp on working out. Going on a run is free therapy and a way to get out of the house without spending a dime. It’s also something I enjoy doing as a family. First family race is set for March and the perfect motivation to get me going again.


4) More cooking. I LOVE to cook and bake for my family. Trying out new recipes with a glass of wine and some Sinatra is my happy place. I have a giant box and binder of family recipes that I’m finally starting to dive into this year. I’m big on creating traditions right now. I always want my kids to remember the love I put into their meals and treats. (You hear that kids…LOVE, now eat it!)


5) Establishing routines. I left my corporate job when we moved and while it was refreshing and freeing to go from a desk job to full time mom life — I lost a lot of structure. Then we threw an additional kid into the mix, my husband wasn’t working typical hours anymore (because he kind of never stops working), we were 800 miles from friends and family for childcare and I started picking up a good amount of freelance work. I was fully winging the SAHM / WFHM gig for a WHILE before I was able to slowly develop more of a routine. Preschool has helped create some structure, but this year I am trying to be even more intentional about how we go about our day. It helps me just as much as it helps the littles.